Condensation is caused when water is deposited on the cooler surfaces in a building, particularly in winter. The first indication is usually black mould growth in the worst affected areas. This growth is characteristic of condensation because mould need pure water for their growth and development. In severe cases the amount of water may be great causing pools of water on the floor, windowsills or on clothing and furniture.
Householders often find it difficult to believe that such severe damp problems can be caused by condensation alone. Often they believe there must be some sort of building defect which is usually not the case.
Often the condensation can occur at low levels where the surface of the wall is coolest, starting in a corner and then spreading along the length of the wall. This may appear to be rising damp and can easily be confused. Wykamol’s Approved Contractor network can expertly identify the type and source of your damp problem to ensure the right remedial treatment is specified.
If the water vapour in the air of a home can escape somewhere, condensation would never occur. When homes were more draughty and open fires common, damp air would mainly escape up the chimney. Houses are now significantly better insulated hence the moisture has nowhere to go and hence condensation problems have grown significantly.
Mould growth is a typical consequence of condensation in a home. Moulds are often most severe in room corners and on external walls. This is mainly because insufficient ventilation creates pockets of stagnant air in such corners.
You may think a little bit of mould around the house is harmless, but can it actually cause serious health problems. To begin the symptoms are mild and may include headaches, itchy or watery eyes, runny nose, sinus infections, skin rashes, coughing, and a lack of energy. If the mould problem is left untreated and exposure continues, then these symptoms will become worse and can escalate into serious health problems.
Immune-compromised people and people with chronic lung illnesses, such as obstructive lung disease, may get serious infections in their lungs when they are exposed to mould. These people should stay away from areas that are likely to have mould.
Damp and mould can make you more likely to have respiratory infections, allergies and asthma. It can also affect your immune system.
Principal Environmental provide a professional black mould removal service, effective anti mould preventive treatments for your property and mould sampling and testing.
For more information about condensation control please contact us on (01) 493 9007 or send us an email.